The Department of Linguistics and African Languages seeks to provide theoretical and practical training to its students for the collection and analysis of natural language data to solve practical problems in the language industry. In drawing up this programme, the Department factored in the following: - Interdisciplinary - Gender inclusivity - Professionalism - Whether to adopt a BA degree programme or multiple degree programmes - Single or combined honours - Which courses should be considered as core/compulsory(C) courses, which ones Electives (E) and which others as Required(R). 2. VISION The vision and mission of the Department is congruent with the mission and vision of the University of Bamenda, which is to be a leading national institution of higher learning geared towards meeting present and future development challenges through efficient teaching, research and sterling innovation and excellence. 3. MISSION Linguistic theory aims to describe language in as objective and scientific a way as possible. It develops formal explanations of our language ability and our knowledge of language. At the University of Bamenda we aim to train linguists who should be capable of responding to the various issues related to and dependent on language